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jsonrpc.bats (3214B)

      1 #!/usr/bin/env bats
      3 # Simple and non exhaustive test suite using bats:
      4 # https://github.com/sstephenson/bats
      6 PIDFILE=run/jsonrpc.pid
      7 CONFFILE=conf/jsonrpc.conf
      9 # Start and stop have to be tweaked before being used
     10 stop_app() {
     11 	if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
     12 		kill -QUIT `cat "$PIDFILE"`
     13 		sleep 3
     14 	fi
     15 	if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
     16 		kill -KILL `cat "$PIDFILE"`
     17 		sleep 2
     18 	fi
     19 }
     21 start_app() {
     22 	stop_app
     23 	kore -nrc "$CONFFILE"
     24 }
     26 query_with_content_type() {
     27 	curl -q \
     28 	    -H "Content-Type: $1" \
     29 	    -X POST \
     30 	    --raw \
     31 	    -d "$2" \
     32 	    -s -S \
     33 	    --insecure \
     34 	    ""
     35 }
     37 query() {
     38 	query_with_content_type "application/json" "$1"
     39 }
     41 grepstr() {
     42 	declare result=$1
     43 	shift
     44 	printf "%s" "$result" | grep "$@" >/dev/null
     45 }
     47 printrep() {
     48 	declare query=$1
     49 	declare result=$2
     50 	printf "Sent:\n"
     51 	printf "%s\n" "$query"
     52 	printf "Received:\n"
     53 	printf "%s\n" "$result"
     54 }
     56 @test "requests with no protocol returns nothing" {
     57 	query='{"method":"foo","id":"foo"}'
     58 	result=`query "$query"`
     59 	printrep "$query" "$result"
     60 	[ "$result" = "" ]
     61 }
     62 @test "requests with invalid protocol (1) returns nothing" {
     63 	query='{"jsonrpc":"1.0","method":"foo","id":"foo"}'
     64 	result=`query "$query"`
     65 	printrep "$query" "$result"
     66 	[ "$result" = "" ]
     67 }
     68 @test "requests with invalid protocol (2) returns nothing" {
     69 	query='{"jsonrpc":2.0,"method":"foo","id":"foo"}'
     70 	result=`query "$query"`
     71 	printrep "$query" "$result"
     72 	[ "$result" = "" ]
     73 }
     75 @test "requests with no method raise errors" {
     76 	query='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"foo"}'
     77 	result=`query "$query"`
     78 	printrep "$query" "$result"
     79 	grepstr "$result" '"error"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*"code"'
     80 }
     81 @test "requests with invalid method raise errors" {
     82 	query='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":1,"id":"foo"}'
     83 	result=`query "$query"`
     84 	printrep "$query" "$result"
     85 	grepstr "$result" '"error"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*"code"'
     86 }
     87 @test "requests with unknown method raise errors" {
     88 	query='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"foobar","id":"foo"}'
     89 	result=`query "$query"`
     90 	printrep "$query" "$result"
     91 	grepstr "$result" '"error"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*"code"'
     92 }
     94 @test "error responses give back the string request id" {
     95 	query='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":"foo"}'
     96 	result=`query "$query"`
     97 	printrep "$query" "$result"
     98 	grepstr "$result" '"error"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*"code"'
     99 	grepstr "$result" '"id"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*"foo"'
    100 }
    101 @test "error responses give back the integer request id" {
    102 	query='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1}'
    103 	result=`query "$query"`
    104 	printrep "$query" "$result"
    105 	grepstr "$result" '"error"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*{[ \t\n]*"code"'
    106 	grepstr "$result" '"id"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*1'
    107 }
    108 @test "result responses give back the string request id" {
    109 	query='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"echo","params":["foobar"],"id":"tau"}'
    110 	result=`query "$query"`
    111 	printrep "$query" "$result"
    112 	grepstr "$result" '"result"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*[[ \t\n]*"foobar"[ \t\n]*]'
    113 	grepstr "$result" '"id"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*"tau"'
    114 }
    115 @test "result responses give back the integer request id" {
    116 	query='{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"echo","params":["foobar"],"id":6}'
    117 	result=`query "$query"`
    118 	printrep "$query" "$result"
    119 	grepstr "$result" '"result"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*[[ \t\n]*"foobar"[ \t\n]*]'
    120 	grepstr "$result" '"id"[ \t\n]*:[ \t\n]*6'
    121 }